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SEE Mosaics Project Phase II

Regional meeting of specialists involved with mosaic conservation entitled “Forum and Workshop for Mosaic Conservation and Training of Conservators in Southeast Europe” will be held from 2nd to 6th September 2013, in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

The meeting is conceived as a workshop during which participants from the region and invited lecturers, international experts in mosaic conservation, will have an opportunity to meet, present their work and share experiences. It will also include a forum to debate possibilities for development of collaborative projects and training programs in the region. Database with results of the regional survey “Mosaic Conservation and Training of Conservators in SE Europe”, realized in 2011-12, will be used as a tool for summarizing the needs and as a starting point in planning.

Meeting is jointly organized by the Central Institute for Conservation in Belgrade and CSO “Local Development Agency” of Struga in the frame of the regional project SEE Mosaics Second Phase: Developing network of mosaic conservation professionals and promoting mosaic heritage in SE Europe. Realisation of the meeting is supported by the Central European Initiative – CEI.